When King Yayati entered into marriage with Devayani, the loyal and charming daughter of the Shukracharya, he accepted two thousand of Devayani’s maids as his companions. Sharmishtha, the daughter of Vrishparva was one of them. Shukracharya had strictly prohibited Yayati to never touch or to speak with Sharmistha in solitude. King Yayati and Devayani  were blessed with two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. They lived happily for many years. 

One day while Yayati and Devayani were roaming in the serene forest, Devayani saw three extraordinarily beautiful boys. She asked them wisely who their parents were? The three  innocent children pointed out that Yayati was their father and Sharmishtha their mother. When Sharmishtha entered puberty she was seeking a husband and implored Yayati to accept her. 

They had three sons, Druhyu, Anu and Puru. Discovering Yayati’s secret affair with Sharmishtha, Anguish Devayani complained to her father. Furious Shukracharya cursed his son-in-law Yayati with premature old age as chastisement for the unnecessary suffering caused to his daughter. But, anyone can reverse the curse if they exchange their youth with Yayati. This was confrimed by Shukracharya. The one who does so in return gets fame and fortune and will enjoy the Yayati’s kingdom. 

Transformed into an old body, Yayati returned home woefully. But he remembered that someone can reverse the curse of Sukracharya.

So he hopefully went to his eldest son Yadu and said,” My body has become wrinkled and my hair has turned gray but I am still not satisfied with the pleasures of youth. You take my sins along with old age and I will enjoy the sensual pleasures with your youth. After completion of one thousand years, I will take back my sins along with old age by giving you your youth again”.

Yadu said, I do not wish to accept old age, when the hair of beard and mustache turn white; the joy of life is lost. Old age makes one completely weak. Wrinkles appear on the entire body and a person becomes so weak and emaciated that one cannot even look at him.

Yadu rejected it by saying that old age has many disadvantages and adverse effects and said, “you have many sons who are dearer to you than me, so choose some other son to take over your old age.”

Disappointed Yayati then Cursed Yadu, “Even though you are born from my heart, you do not give me your youth, therefore your children will not inherit the kingdom”.

Now he called his second son Turvasu and requested the same proposal. 

Rejecting fathers request, Turvasu said I do not want old age which destroys sexual pleasure. It destroys strength and beauty and also destroys growth and vitality.

King Yayati also cursed his second Son by saying, 

“Even though you are born from my heart, you do not give me your youth, therefore your progeny will be destroyed”. 

“You will be the king of those people whose behavior and religion are similar to those of hybrid castes”.

“You will rule over the people who are counted among the opposite hybrid castes, who eat raw meat, and are in the category of Chandalas.”

“You will rule over the sinful mlechchhas who are attracted to the wives of their Gurus, who behave like animals and birds, and whose thoughts and actions are similar to those of animals.”

Thus, after cursing his son Turvasu, he said this to Sarmishtha’s son Druhyu, 

O son, take this old age which destroys the radiance and beauty and give me your youth for a thousand years.

After completing a thousand years, I will give you your youth back and take my faults back along with old age.

Druhyu refused and said, Father! An old man cannot ride an elephant, horse or chariot; he cannot even enjoy a woman. His speech also starts faltering; hence I do not want to grow old.

Yayati furiously cursed Druhyu, saying, “You and your children will go to a land where even the best chariots drawn by horses, elephants, palanquins, donkeys, goats, bulls, and carriages cannot move, where one has to travel every day by boat. In that land, the people of your lineage will not be called kings but Bhoj.”

After saying this Yayati went to Anu but Anu also rejected her father’s wish. Anu said, Father! An old man eats food at odd hours like children, remains impure and does not perform Agnihotra on time, so I do not want to live in such old age.

After hearing this Yayati also cursed Anu by saying, “You will inherit all the evils of old age, your children will die as young as they are and you too will give up performing Agnihotra after becoming old.”

Yayati lastly asked Sharmistha’s youngest son Puru.

Paru humbly told his father, “Maharaj, whatever you are ordering me to do, I will follow that word.” I will assume your age and form, covered with old age;  and after giving you my life, I will follow whatever orders you give me.

Yayati said, Son! I am pleased with you and I give you this boon that all the people in your kingdom will be blessed with all their desires.

Yayati, being extremely pleased with Puru’s youthfulness, started enjoying desired pleasure. 

As per his desire, enthusiasm and time, he used to happily enjoy the pleasure in accordance with Dharma. In reality he was the only one who deserved it. He satisfied the gods through sacrifice, the ancestors through Shraddhas, the poor and the distressed by bestowing favors according to their wishes and the best Brahmins by giving charity. Yayati protected the entire population in a righteous manner. Yayati also used to enjoy and shine with Vishwachi Apsara in Nandanvan. He used to roam in Alkapuri and also on the peak of Meru in the north direction as per his wish. 

Knowing the truth of the time, it was seen by the righteous king that the time was now completed. Then his son, Puru, was approached by him, and it was said, “The desire for sensual pleasure is never satisfied even by the consumption of those objects.”

However, it is never satiated by the use of those objects; rather, like fire, it is increased more and more when ghee is offered to it.”

“All the wealth, gold and women on this earth are not enough for even one man.

So, greed should be abandoned.”

“It is very difficult for a person with a false mind to give up that craving, which does grow old even when a person grows old and which is a fatal disease, only the man who gives up that craving gets happiness. 

“I have spent a thousand years engrossed in sensual pleasure and yet everyday I still have a craving for those sensual pleasure therefore I am giving up this desire, I shall concentrate on Supreme Brahman, free from conflict and attachment and roam in the forest.”

“Puru! May you be blessed, I am pleased. Take your youth. Also take this kingdom under your control; because you are my beloved son.”  

At that time king Yayati got back his old age and Paru got back his youth.

King Yayati gave the southeast to Druhyu, the south to Yadu, the west to Turvasu, and the north to Anu. Then Yayati enthroned his youngest son, Puru, as the emperor of the entire world and he placed other sons under Puru’s control.

Having given the kingdom to Puru and having taken the vow of exile, king Yayati went out of the city accompanied by the ascetic Brahmins. 

From Yadu, Yadav Kshetriya were born. According to the father’s curse his children will not be the rightful heir to the throne. Yadu was replaced by his half-brother Puru as the heir to the throne. So eventually his children will not inherit the kingdom. 

Tuvasuka’s progeny were called Yavanas. According to the father’s curse he ruled amongst chandals and mlecchas.

According to the curse of father, Dhuyu’s son became famous by the name Bhoj. And according to  father’s curse Anu suffered from old age and his children died at a young age. There was no curse for the youngest son Puru, as he agreed without any resistance. He only got everyone’s blessing and love.

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