Wanna know beginning of Sanjivani vidya? Here’s story from Mahabharata.

Once upon a time, there was a huge conflict between the Gods and the Demons for the wealth of the three worlds including all the animate and inanimate creatures.

With the desire to win over it, the gods appointed Brihaspati, son of sage Angira, as priest and the demons appointed Shukracharya as priest.

The demons who were killed in the war were brought back to life by Shukracharya with the power of his Sanjivani Vidya. Therefore the demons got up again and started fighting with the gods. But the generous Brihaspati could not revive those gods who were killed by the Asuras at the brink of war. Gods were in immense despair because Brihaspati did not know the Sanjeevani Vidya which the powerful Shukracharya knew.

Due to this, the worried gods became afraid of Shukracharya. They went to Kacha, the eldest son of Brihaspati and said. Brahmin! “We are your servants. Please accept us and help us. Learn the sanjivani Vidya from the Brahmin Shukracharya and bring it here. You may find the brilliant Brahmin Shukracharya near King Vrishparva”. Staying there, he protects the demons. He does not protect those who are not demons. You are in a new stage now, so you are capable of pleasing Shukracharya by worshiping him. That great soul’s beloved daughter’s name is Devyani, only you can please her by your services. No one else is capable of doing this. If you satisfy Devyani by your good nature, generosity, sweet behavior, good conduct and self-control, you will definitely acquire knowledge. Accepting the God’s request of the son of brihaspati, Kach went to king Vrishparva.

Kachha, sent by the gods, immediately went to the city of demon king Vrishapava and met Shukracharya and said-‘Lord! I am the grandson of sage Angira and the son of Brihaspati himself. My name is Kachha. Please accept me as your disciple. Brahmin!! You are my Guru. I will live near you and practice perfect celibacy for a thousand years. Please give me permission for this.

Shukracharya said, “Kaccha! You are most welcome; I accept your prayer. You are worthy of my respect, so I will honor and respect you. Your respect and respect will be honored by me as well as Brihaspati.”

As per the orders of Shukracharya, he himself took the vow of celibacy and started serving him and his daughter Devyani daily. 

In this way, Kacha spent five hundred years living there and observing the vow of celibacy. Then the demon came to know about this. Thereafter, seeing Kacha grazing cows alone in a secluded part of the forest, the demon, filled with envy for Brihapati and anger to protect Sanjivani Vidya, killed Kacha.

After killing Kachcha, the demon cut his body into pieces and distributed them among dogs and jackals. That day the cows returned to their place without any protector. Devyani saw that the cows had returned from the forest but Kachcha was not with them. Then she told her father – Father, you have performed Agnihotra and the Sun God has also set. The cows have also come today without any protector. Father! Still Kachcha is not visible. He must have been killed or he has died. I am telling you the truth, I will not be able to live without him.

Sukracharya used his Sanjivani vidya and called Kachha. Due to the effect of Sanjivani Vidya, Kach appeared in front of them healthy and strong, tearing out from the bodies of the dogs and jackals. 

The second time, while Kach went to the forest to bring flowers, the same demon saw him again and grinded him to dissolve in the sea water.   

When Shukracharya came to know about this, he again invoked Kachha through Sanjivani Vidya. Due to this, Brihaspati’s son Kachha came back there and he told them how the demons had mistreated him.

Thereafter the Asuras killed Kacha for the third time and burnt him in the fire and after making powder of his burnt corpse mixed it in the liquor and made the Brahmi Shukracharya drink it.

When the Guru called him using his knowledge, then Kachha sitting in his stomach became frightened and spoke softly.

Hearing his voice, Shukracharya asked – By which route did you come and settle in my stomach? Tell me exactly.

Kachana said, “Gurudev! Because of your blessings, my memory has not left me. I remember everything that has happened. If I come out of my stomach like this, my penance will be ruined. To prevent that from happening, I am enduring extreme pain here.”

Sukracharya then decides to give mrit sanjeevani to Kach. He said, “Son! Come out of my body alive and be like a son to me and give me life again. Even after getting knowledge from me and becoming a scholar, look at me with a righteous attitude.

After receiving the Sanjivani Vidya from his Guru, Kach immediately came out of Maharishi Shukracharya’s stomach by tearing it apart, just like the moon appears on a full-moon evening after the day has passed.

Seeing Shukracharya lying on the ground, like the living embodiment of Vedas, Kacha also brought his dead teacher back to life with the power of sanjivani vidya.

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