The legendary figure Draupadi of Mahabharata accompanied her brother Dristadyumna, emerged from a sacred fire sacrifice. This ritual was performed to give obtain a child to end life of Dronacharya. This fire sacrifice was performed after Drupada lost his kingdom to Dronacharya’s students. After manifestation of Dristaduymna Draupadi followed from the fire sacrifice. Sages told that she would be the major character to change the fate of Aryavrat ( kindgom at that time).
Draupadi in Mahabharat

Draupadi in Purushottam Mahatmaya

Purushottam Mahatmya mentions past life of Draupadi, where she performed rigorous austerity for Lord Shiva to get a suitable spouse. But she failed to get the fruit of because she offended Sage Durvasa. Durvasa muni suggested her to perform austerity in Purushottam month but she denied which turned out to be offence. As a result she failed to get the result of her austerity.

Yet Lord Shiva appeared and asked what her desire was? She hurriedly said she want a husband five times. Lord Shiva said she will get a husband but not in this life due to her offence towards Rishi Durvasa. Therefore, in another life she got five husband as Pandavas.

According to the Markandeya Purana, Draupadi is incarnation of Shachi (wife of Indra). After the sin of killing a brahmin Lord Indra lost his power of justice. The power was received by Dharmaraj. Similarly he lost his strength and beauty to Vayudeva and Ashwin Kumar. All these power came together as Queen Kunti’s child. Therefore, five Pandavas who is Indra himself in five forms married Draupadi who is Shachi, wife of Indra.

We see yogi practitioners shifting different forms, Lord Indra who is king of heaven taking different forms to carry cosmic duties is therefore is not questionable.

Draupadi’s appearance has divine duties as mentioned in Mahabharat. This story explain how divine duties are carried out by divine personalities. Draupadi’s life was a mission to establish dharma. She became the victim and rebel both in the process to establish dharma.

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