Shakuni and his enitre family was invited to Hastinapur by Kurus for feast. Later all the male from his family including him were imprisoned by Dhritarastra and Pandu. The reason behind the imprisonment was Shakuni’s sister Gandhari. This story is not in Veda Vyasa Mahabharat. This is regional and local version of Mahabharat.

So, Gandhari had some complication in her astrological chart. The astrologer predicted that her first husband would die. For the solution he also suggested Gandhari to marry a goat and later to execute the goat. Later Gandhari married Dhritarastra. The execution of goat was a secret. Later when Dhritarastra and Pandu found about it, they planned to feast and imprisoned them. They decided to provide each individual one handful of rice so that slowly they would starve to death.

All the family member decided to sacrifice their portion of rice and feed it to Shakuni, since he was intelligent and clever one in entire family. Shakuni saw his brothers, uncles die starving infront of him. He father asked him for revenge in deathbed. For help he asked his son to take the bones of his two finger and it will do as he say.

He came out of prision for his father’s funeral and later made up friendship with Duryodhan. He broke one of his knees that would remind him his purpose of existence. He vowed to kill Duryodhan’s 100 son and destroy Kurus entirely.

Was Shakuni good or bad? What do you think after reading this story?

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