What is Vedic stories about?

Vedic Stories aims to explore stories, philosophies, principles and schools of Santana Dharma. This website purely writes about the authentic knowledge of Vedas. Since, Santana Dharma has so many branches that one life would not be enough to write about each and every part of it. But also, we aim to explore, read and research as much as we can to provide correct information about the scriptures.


Here, we have provided all the blogs of Mahabharat, written so far. Mahabharat is one of the most popular scripture of Sanatana dharma. We are still reading and researching more about it. More topics will be included in Table of content in the future.

Mahabharat is ancient Hindu epic written by sage Vyas. It is one of the longest epic poems in the world. It has multiple chapters, also called parva. This epic poem recites the conflict for the true heir in Hastinapur Kingdom. Bhisma Pitamah, true born heir to Kingdom was thrown to be mere servant. While his step mother’s son Vichitravirya. Vichitryavirya married 2 wives but died before the wives conceived. Later three wives went through niyog process and gave birth to Dhritarastra, Pandu and Bidur. Dhritarastra was born blind. Though was first born son in royal family, Pandava took upon the throne. The reason to reject Dhritarastra was his blindness This created conflict between brothers. This conflict turned worst as both brothers had children.

The central theme of is Dharma. It is a vast compendium of philosophical teachings, stories, ethical lessons; everything centered on Dharma. Other themes like war, politics, relationship, austerity, spirituality and traditions are also present.

Vedic stories have covered different stories, philosophy, principle, facts based on the epic. Below are list of Mahabharat blogs. Different characters like Draupadi, Bhisma, Jarasandh, Kakabhsundi, and more.

Lists of blogs of Mahabharat

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