Kakabhusundi’s curse

Kakabhusundi, a remarkable saint mentioned in history and scriptures who is time traveler have seen Mahabharat 16 times. Each time it has different events and endings. He was staunch devotee of Lord Shiva but he looked down upon Lord Vishnu. His guru tried his best to make him understand but he failed. One day Kakabhusundi’s guru came when he was worshipping Lord Shiva. He didn’t offered obeisance to his guru due to which Lord Shiva was offended. Therefore, Lord Shiva cursed Kakabhusundi to live as a snake for thousand years.

Kakabhusundi’s guru however pleaded Lord Shiva to eliminate the harshness of the curse. Seeing the guru’s love for his disciple he changed it from snake to crow with ability to time travel. Also during these lives he would not suffer the pain of birth and death. After living 1000 lives as a crow he would be born in Brahmana family and would continue his life as a devotee of Lord Rama.

Kakabhusundi in human form

In the birth as a brahmana boy he offended Sage Lomasha, disagreeing his views which offended the sage. Sage Lomasha cursed him to become crow again which was interfered by Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva asked the sage to rectify the curse. Since, the buy didn’t protested the curse and accepted it, this changed the heart for the sage and rectified the curse accordingly.

After this incident, Lord Shiva initiated him in Rama mantra and recited Ramcharitmanas to him. He also got the blessing of the power to stay out of time and immense love and devotion to Lord Rama. Kakabhusundi was so overjoyed by the blessings of Lord shiva that he lived for twenty-seven cycle of creation. He chose to stay as a crow so that he would stay close to Lord Rama and fly to Ayodhya everytime he was born.

The power he had to stay untouched by time allowed him to witness Mahabharat 16 times and Ramayana 11 times. He have this ability to witness Mahabharat and Ramayana across multiple cosmic cycle. He is devotee of Lord Rama, eternal witness of events of Ramayana and Mahabharat. narrator of Ramayana and teacher and preacher

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