Who is Bhisma Pitamah?

Bhisma Pitamah, son of Ganga is grandfather of Pandavas and Kauravas. He was true born heir to the kingdom of Hastinapur. But he renounced the crown to satisfy the desire of his step-mother. His step mother wanted her son to the king. Therefore, to secure the position he promised for long life celibacy and service to kingdom of Hastinapur as servant. Due to this promise he stood against Pandavas in battlefield.

Death of Bhisma Pitamah

On. 10th day of Mahabharata battle Sikhandi and Arjuna pierced him with several arrow. He lay down on bed of arrows and watched entire Mahabharat. He spend 51 days in with the arrows pierced all over his body. Before leaving this planet the Pandava King Yudhistira, his brothers, Lord Krishna bowed down before him. All sages, demogods, brahmanas, kings assembled there.

Final words of Bhisma Pitamah

  • Bhisma Pitamah appreciated the righteous path Pandavas followed. Pandavas followed the path of virtue therefore protected by God. Therefore, they were able to battle all the hardships and tribulation.

  • Bhisma Pitamah mentioned how Kunti devi went through the darkest hour, being a widowed with many children to look after in a royal family. He mentions that her destination is to suffer by providence. One must tolerate such providence without being agitated.
  • Time controls everyone and everything. Everyone in material world is affected by time, even Bramha. So one must not be disturbed by time but follow religious principle.
  • Sometime even our best efforts will not be followed by our desired outcome. Therefore, we must accept what life throws to us, differentiate between things we can control and things we cannot control, and have faith in big plan of divine will.
  • Noone can understand plan of divine. The sufferings of Pandavas had nothing to do with their past but plan of Lord to establish dharma. Bhisma Pitamah though follower of Lord, fought against Lord to establish dharma. One must follow the path of Lord with faith. Therefore, King Yudhistira acceot your position as appointed leader and fulfill your duties.
  • Bhisma Pitamah explains everyone that Lord Krishna to be supreme and inconceivable. He appears as ordinary person bewildering everyone with his divine energy.
  • Varna and asramas are designed to cultivate spiritual qualities. It aims individuals to move towards self realization and liberation from material bondage. This helps each individuals to detached from material desire and develop spiritually. Varna and ashram teaches morality, self control and adherence to Vedic principle.
  • Purify energy by giving back to the Supreme as gratitude. Householder should give charity, students should perform sacrifices, retired or renounced should practice austerity. This makes us realized everything comes from God and we are merely offering it back to him
  • Kings must perform sacrifices for their people’s wellbeing and guide them to spiritual salvation. They must protect and respect spiritual teachers, provide shelter to vulnerable and appoint only qualified individuals to government position.
  • One must overcome lust, anger, greed, unlawful desired to attain salvation.
  • Those women who are inspiration to men also controls them. Therefore, women are more powerful than men.

How Bhisma died?

As sun moved to northern hemisphere, he withdrew all this mind from everything else and fixed it on Supreme God. Bhisma Pitamah was waiting for to leave his body. When sun moves to north it is auspicious time. Yogis, mystics, devotees choose their time of death themselves and travel to desired spiritual realm. Here, Bhisma Pitamah meditated on Lord Krishna who was present before him and left this material realm.

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