What to do in temple?

While visiting any temples do you know what are the things that need to be done and are important? The secrets of visiting temples, we should know five essential activities that elevates our spirituality and divine connection. Let’s find out the deeper significance which connects us to an unparalleled dimension. 

what to do in temple?

1) Offer Obeisance

The act of offering obeisance or bowing is a symbolic representation or expression of great respect to someone. By performing obeisance or pranama to any deities or God we eventually develop humility in us. One should chant mantra while offering obeisance or humbly ask his help so that we fall in front of God and along with mind and the body.

2) Circumambulation

Circumambulation is also commonly known as Parikrama or Pradakshina which involves walking around the temple in clockwise direction. The lord is the source of all sources and the main center point of our lives. Therefore we perform Parikrama to acknowledge him as our focal point in our lives. In order to show him our love and gratitude we perform circumambulation and it is believed that one receives blessing from that respective holy place.

3) Prayers

 Praying is a form of communication with God. We praise the lord, confess our sins, thank him and ask him forgiveness. One should recite beautiful prayers mentioned in scriptures or one should call him in his own ways of expression. Ultimately prayer helps us to get close with him, reduces our anxiety and experiences calmness. It is a symbol of complete submission that reminds us to love and respect God and cultivate humility. 

4) Offering Lamps in temple

The fire represents illumination, brilliance and enlightenment. The purpose of offering lamps toward deity is to dispel the darkness of the one who prays. It symbolizes awakening of the mind and dispel the darkness of mental concoction. Traditionally, lamps are burned with ghee butter or clarified butter because of being spiritually pure in nature.

5) Seek Spiritual Association

Saints or Sadhu are holy people who are renounced in worldly life. They are experts in teaching people to live a life with goodness and detachment. They are always linked with God and transcendental platforms. Therefore, even if we are not so advanced in spirituality, by simply associating with the true saints and devotees of the Lord we can surely advance in our spiritual life.

In conclusion, temple visits transcend us and open our gateway to spiritual experiences. By embracing essential practices such as offering obeisance, circumambulation, prayers, offering lamps, and seeking spiritual association, we start a whole new journey towards self realization and supreme realization. Let us together proceed with reverence and sincerity exploring the unlimited treasure house of the spiritual realm.

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