Who is Veda Vyasa?

Krishna Dvaipayana also famously known as Veda Vyasa is known one of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is compiler of four vedas (Rigveda, Sama Veda, Yajurveda and Arthaveda) Eighteen Puranas,Srimad Bhagavatam and epic poem Mahabharata. According to scriptures Vyasa Deva was son of Maha Rishi and Princess Satyavati. Vyasa Dev had four sons Vidura, Shuka, Dhritarashtra and Pandu. 

Who wrote Mahabharat?

Once Vyasa Deva was meditating in himalayas. He had vision and memorized the epic one hundred thousand mahabharata verses in his mind. He had witnessed the great battle and knew each one of them personally. After composing a great poem he was in wonder, how he is going to deliver it to the upcoming generation. The upcoming generation would be in Kaliyuga, where irreligion would rule, this worried Vyasadeva. So Vyasa dev started to pray to Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma pleased gave him blessing and ordered him to meditate on lord Ganesha. After Vyasa deva severe penance and austerity Lord Ganesh appeared to him. They both agreed to compile the great epic poem of one hundred thousand verses. They had a deal that Lord Ganesha had to write without any interruption or asking any question and Vyasa to continuously dictate the verses without stopping for a moment.

Lord Ganesh and Veda Vyasa deva completed the historic epic poem in a period of three years. So, Lord Ganesha wrote Mahabharat while Vyasadeva dictated it.

Mahabharata was completed with one hundred thousand verses categorized into eighteen parvas. The first verse of Maharabhat starts with the worship of Nara-Narayana(incarnation of Arjuna and Lord Krishna respectively) and Goddess Saraswati and Veda Vyasa.

Mahabharat is about the epic where religion wins over irreligion. It is a scripture which act as a guidance for living beings with religion. It is one of the best scripture of Vyasadeva which provides shelter and guidance to each individual on how to live a life with dharma.

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