Five cursed brother

When King Yayati entered into marriage with Devayani, the loyal and charming daughter of the Shukracharya, he accepted two thousand of Devayani’s maids as his companions. Sharmishtha, the daughter of Vrishparva was one of them. Shukracharya had strictly prohibited Yayati to never touch or to speak with Sharmistha in solitude. King Yayati and Devayani  were…

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What is the story of Sanjivani?

Wanna know beginning of Sanjivani vidya? Here’s story from Mahabharata. Once upon a time, there was a huge conflict between the Gods and the Demons for the wealth of the three worlds including all the animate and inanimate creatures. With the desire to win over it, the gods appointed Brihaspati, son of sage Angira, as…

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