Who wrote Mahabharat?

Who is Veda Vyasa? Krishna Dvaipayana also famously known as Veda Vyasa is known one of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is compiler of four vedas (Rigveda, Sama Veda, Yajurveda and Arthaveda) Eighteen Puranas,Srimad Bhagavatam and epic poem Mahabharata. According to scriptures Vyasa Deva was son of Maha Rishi and Princess Satyavati. Vyasa Dev…

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Mahabharat: Total Verses and Parts

Verses and Parta Mahabharat is ancient Hindu epic written by sage Vyas. It is one of the longest epic poems in the world. It has multiple chapters, also called parva. The chapters vary according to different version but the most common has 18 parvas. The poem has 100,000 verses, 200,000 lines and 1.8 million words….

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Arjuna’s chariot

Arjuna’s chariot is often mentioned as divine chariot. It survived entire Mahabharat till last date. Find out the secrets of Arjuna’s chariot mentioned in Mahabharat text. Krishna and Arjuna Arjuna is said to be chief among Pandavas. The reason behind is because he has no individuality apart from Krishna. Arjuna and Lord Krishna are known…

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How does desire lead to suffering?

The root of all desires lies in attraction. As we see, taste, smell, feel, and hear, we become captivated. Gradually, this enchantment draws us closer, and from this allure, desire is born. https://amzn.to/4bI3i3C When the topic of desire is discussed in spirituality, it is mostly about transcending material desires. It is mainly about miseries the…

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When is Kalki avatar expected?

Kalki and Kaliyuga This age of Kaliyuga began as soon as Lord Krishna left the material world. It is calculated about 5000 years ago from now. Shrimad Bhagavatam mentions Kaliyuga to last 432000 years. Kaliyuga is mentioned to be darkest and most inhumane age out of four yugas. The basic reason Kaliyuga is mentioned to…

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