Mahabharat: Total Verses and Parts

Verses and Parta

Mahabharat is ancient Hindu epic written by sage Vyas. It is one of the longest epic poems in the world. It has multiple chapters, also called parva. The chapters vary according to different version but the most common has 18 parvas. The poem has 100,000 verses, 200,000 lines and 1.8 million words. This epic poem recites the conflict for the true heir in Hastinapur Kingdom.

The central theme of Mahabharat is Dharma. Dharma is presented through many events and stories. It is a vast compendium of philosophical teachings, stories, ethical lessons; everything centered on Dharma. Other themes like war, politics, relationship, austerity, spirituality and traditions are also interwoven.

The 18 parvas of Mahabharat is below:

  1. Adi Parva (8884 verses) : Adi parva introduces the epic’s story, including the background of Mahbharata with early lives of princes of Kuru.
  2. Sabha Parva(2511 verses) : Events of Indraprastha, the Rajasuya sacrifice, the game of dice, Pandavas exile.
  3. Vana Parva(11664 verses) : Pandavas’ twelve-year exile in the forest.
  4. Virata Parva(2050 verses) : Pandavas’ incognito year at King Virata’s court.
  5. Udyoga Parva(6698 verses) : Preparations for war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas.
  6. Bhishma Parva(5884 verses) : Battle with Bhishma.
  7. Drona Parva(8909 verses) : War under Drona’s as a commander in chief.
  8. Karna Parva(4964 verses): Karna as commander and duel with Arjuna.
  9. Shalya Parva(3220 verses) : Battle under Shalya’s command.
  10. Sauptika Parva(870 verses): Night massacre by Ashvatthama, Kripa, and Kritavarma.
  11. Stri Parva(775 verses) : Sorrow of loss and grief
  12. Shanti Parva(14732 verses) : Yudhishthira as king and Bhishma’s teachings on governance and ethics.
  13. Anushasana Parva(8000 verses) : Bhishma’s final teachings and instructions to Yudhishthira.
  14. Ashvamedhika Parva(3320 verses) : Yudhishthira’s royal Ashvamedha sacrifice and Arjuna’s world conquest.
  15. Ashramavasika Parva(1506 verses) : Deaths of Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti in a forest fire.
  16. Mausala Parva(320 verses): Destruction of Yadavas.
  17. Mahaprasthanika Parva(123 verses) : Pandavas Journey to Himalayas
  18. Svargarohana Parva(209 verses) :Yudhishthira’s journey to heaven

In addition to these parvas Harivamsha and Bhavishya parvas together make 100,00 shlokas of Mahabharat.

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