The root of all desires lies in attraction. As we see, taste, smell, feel, and hear, we become captivated. Gradually, this enchantment draws us closer, and from this allure, desire is born.

When the topic of desire is discussed in spirituality, it is mostly about transcending material desires. It is mainly about miseries the desire carry and the constant fight a living entity have with it. Just because desires carry misery doesn’t mean we stop desiring. However many other spiritualist says one must be desireless, but it is not possible because aiming to be desireless itself is a desire.

So how can we avoid the miseries that comes along with desire? Here are some tips for that!

Understanding one’s spiritual identity

Our pain begins once we fail to understand our identity. We see ourself as temporary body while scriptures mentions us to be eternal soul living in different bodies. We take different bodies according to our desire and karma. Desire plays important role here too. Different out of body experience, past life regression, reincarnation has been a bunch of prove for us to understand that we are traveling in different bodies from eternal time. this will help us transcend material desire.

Learning about the master

Once we learn about our spiritual identity, we must know the master. Some call him to be universe these days. Some say it’s Brahman, supreme, master or God. Getting in fine tune with the master will help us move ahead in right direction. Material desires will definitely transcend with knowledge and proper understanding to it.


Having full attention on what we are doing with love and faith will pass down good energy to whatever we are doing. Observing every step, enjoying it with full consciousness will help us get rid of restlessness and materialism. Every time we practice this, it will help us move a step ahead to spirituality.

Leaving the result

Most of us waste our energy stuck on result. We get so moved by the desire of not getting as we want that we end up our precious life for it. Giving our best and leaving the result will ease us to break the vicious cycle of material desire. Since we have no control over result and we have performed out best, it will help us step further away from material desire.

Look within yourself more

Our desire gets like a wild elephant when we see everyone around. We see through eyes and try to look alike them. These kind of material desire entangle us on our own web of desire. Trying to analyze oneself, learn oneself, looking deep on self improvement for self will help one’s to get rid of unwanted material desire. We must always spend time with self and analyze the loopholes within. We must have proper loving self talk and try to find way out without any outer attraction.

These were the tips to overcome unwanted material desires. Trying to understand self, supreme are spiritual desire which will help individual to move towards enlightenment. The more we move towards spiritual desire, our material desire gets loosened and we get freed up for vicious roots of entanglement.

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