Arjuna’s chariot is often mentioned as divine chariot. It survived entire Mahabharat till last date. Find out the secrets of Arjuna’s chariot mentioned in Mahabharat text.
Arjuna's chariot

Krishna and Arjuna

Arjuna is said to be chief among Pandavas. The reason behind is because he has no individuality apart from Krishna. Arjuna and Lord Krishna are known to be incarnations of Nara and Narayana respectively. Therefore, Lord Krishna has been with Arjuna all the time in the epic Mahabharat. Krishna helped him as his friend most of the time while on the battlefield he also gave him knowledge as his guru. 

The celestial horses

The horses tied to Arjuna’s chariot were presented by Gandharva named Chitraratha. He gave Arjuna hundred divine horses. The horses would remain hundred even if killed on the battlefield. Our of these horses four horses rode Arjuna’s Chariot

Who gave Arjuna his chariot?

The chariot of Arjuna’s was gifted by Lord of Fire. Lord of fire was suffering from indigestion because of the offering of clarified butter to fire sacrifices. He wanted to cure his indigestion by consuming the forest Khandava because there were lots of medicinal herbs there. But that forest was protected by Lord Indra. So whenever he tried to consume the forest it would rain. Arjuna had a battle with Lord Indra and he won the forest and let the Lord of fire consume it. After he consumed the forest his indigestion was cured and as a result he received the chariot.

The chariot was huge and glorious. It was so huge that it had the capacity to load missiles and weapons loaded on nine bullock carts.  Its wheels were strong and huge. Its flag shone like lightning over about eight miles. Though it was big, it was not heavy. 

Who was flag on Arjuna’s chariot?

The emblem of the flag on Arjuna’s Chariot is of Lord Hanuman. On the way to his austerity to please Lord Shiva, Arjuna met Lord Hanuman and asked him regarding the archery skill of Lord Rama. He questioned his skill asking why he tools help monkeys to build bridges. Sensing his arrogance Lord Hanuman asked him to build a bridge on a small pond nearby. If the bridge was not strong he would self immolate. Arjuna agreed and built the bridge but it broke as soon as Lord Hanuman stepped on it.

As Arjuna was about to self immolate, a saint appeared and said there was no witness to hear his promise to self immolate so he needed to do it. Arjuna builts the bridge again, this time Hanuman steps but it doesn;t break. Lord Krishna took the form of a tortoise and held the bridge. Lord Hanuman discovered it, while Lord Krishna revealed himself and admonished them for their action. They both asked for forgiveness, while Lord Hanuman vows to protect Arjuna;s chariot in the upcoming war. This is the chariot god flag of Lord Hanuman. 

Finally the chariot was charming and glorious because Lord Krishna himself with his dear devotee Arjuna was sitting on it. 

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