Did Lord Shiva Smoke Weed?

Many people associate weed to Lord Shiva’s personality. We see different images and articles regarding Lord Shiva consuming weed. But is it true? To understand the depth of such topic one must take shelter of scriptures with guidance with knowledgeable guru.

Lord Shiva is said to be God of destruction and Lord of ignorance. Still there is no evidence of him using weed in scriptures. However, some aghoris mentions them using weed and feel no affect of it in their mind and body.

linked with destruction and is sometimes called the Lord of Tamas (ignorance). However, there is no evidence in authentic scriptures that he used weed. Understanding Shiva’s nature and stories is complicated and requires proper study.

Sometimes, people spread confusion about Hindu beliefs because many of us don’t know our scriptures well. We often believe what the media or random people say due to this lack of knowledge.

Since Lord Shiva is said to be Lord of Tamas people has misconception that weed can be offered to him. But actually it is to ask him to remove ignorance from a practitioners life to grow spiritually.

There are many edited pictures and posts showing Lord Shiva smoking weed, which can mislead people. We need to use our intelligence to question and think about such claims. These kind of things can be used to defame Hinduism.

Weed is an herb used in many treatments, but using it daily is different from medicinal use.

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