As mentioned in scriptures, Kaliyuga is a time of spiritual decline and societal upheaval. It began over five thousand years ago after the disappearance of Lord Krishna. We find about Kaliyuga in different scriptures, as this era is mentioned as threat to human race.
Crisis in Kaliyuga

1. The Decline of Brahmanas in Kaliyuga:

Brahmanas were considered teachers of the society before Kaliyuga began. Due to the influence of Kaliyuga they will lose their position in the society which will turn out to be have a big effect. It will lead to a loss of knowledge and spiritual guidance. This will result in more ignorance and materialism.

2. The Reign of Material Wealth in Kaliyuga:

In Kaliyuga, people will be respected on the basis of the amount of wealth one possess. Money will be the center of attraction. Talent, spirituality and charity will be neglected. People will prioritize money over virtues. Spirituality will completely fade away while financial success will rise.

3. Turmoil of Weather in Kaliyuga:

Extreme weather will become common in this era. There will be with severe heatwaves, bone chilling cold, droughts, floods, and landslides. The years will pass by without rain while many years will go on with continuous rainfall. These changes remind us of our need and urgency to have connection and conservation of the environment.

4. Dwindling Lifespans:

Scriptures mention that human lifespans will shorten to a maximum of fifty years. This reminds us of life’s fleeting nature and the importance of finding deeper meaning. But in Kaliyuga people will forget the importance of life and wont be aware of the importance of lifespan one possess,

5. Staggering Physical Changes in Kaliyuga:

In this period nature will change dramatically. Large trees will disappearing and plants will shrink. This will be the result of high materialism. These changes is actually reflection of humanity’s inner turmoil. This is because of people focusing on materialism over spirituality.

6. Rule of Corruption:

In Kaliyuga, rulers will be corrupt and oppressive. They will be focused on self-interest instead of the public good. As a result, this will lead to unjust taxation and suffering for the people. Corruption will be practiced everywhere, poor people will be haunted while rich people will dine over them.

7. Pervasive Hunger:

Famine will be widespread in Kaliyuga. Food scarcity will cause fear and desperation. Survival will be the basic war of every individual life. Compassion and humanity will be nowhere to find.

8. Erosion of Spiritual Guidance:

The sacred teachings of the Vedas fade away. Misguided ideologies of pseudo-spiritual leaders will replace the teachings of scriptures. People will trend towards atheism while mocking devotion and spirituality.

9. Distortion of Marital Bonds:

Marriage will lose its sacredness and become transactional. Lust and exploitation will drive relationships, reflecting a deeper crisis in understanding love and commitment. This crisis will give birth to generation deprived of love and affection.

10. The Triumph of Materialism:

Eventually every sacred traditions and pilgrimage lose their significance. Material wealth and worldly acclaim will overshadow them. Materialism and superficial appearances will dominate, obscuring the quest for spiritual fulfillment.


The scriptures predicts a challenges of Kaliyuga. But even in the amidst the darkness, there exists the potential for spiritual awakening and transcendence. By understanding these ancient teachings, we can navigate the turbulent seas of Kaliyuga with true wisdom and resilience, aspiring towards a higher state of consciousness where inner peace and spiritual fulfillment reign supreme.

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