
Have you ever thought how Karma works? In Hinduism it is referring to the consequences of our actions, both mental and physical. This article explains the three types of karma and how they affect our lives.

1. Sanchita Karma

Sanchita karma is like a reservoir. It has collection of all our actions from past lives. Every action we do whether good or bad is accumulated in that reservoir.

2. Prarabdha Karma

Prarabdha karma is the portion of Sanchita karma that manifest as different events in our current life. The event shows up as favorable or unfavorable according to good or bad deed of human being.

3. Kriyamaan Karma

Kriyamaan karma is the present actions, what we are doing right now. Sanchita and Prarabdha karmas do influence our current actions but on the other hand individuals also possess free will to engage in new actions.

The Impact of Karma

Karma works and manifests through mental, physical, or circumstantial experiences, resulting in either suffering or pleasure. However, free will is gateway to burn karmic reaction. Karma can be either material and spiritual. If one doesn’t work for good or bad but for the quest to find one’s spiritual identity, then its spiritual karma. Spiritual Karma will build favorable condition life after life until one reaches spiritual realm.

Breaking the Karmic Cycle

Engaging in spiritual practices trying to find spiritual identity one mitigate the effects of karma. By associating with spiritually inclined individuals and engaging in spiritual activities such as shelter of holy name, association with saints, and serving them, one can transcend the dangerous cycle of karma.

Liberation from Karma

Through spiritual pursuits individuals can liberate themselves from the cycle of karma. By withdrawing self-interest and ego, and focusing on spiritual identity, one can burn the accumulated Sanchita karma and attain liberation.


Explaining the web of karma, Hinduism empowers individuals to navigate their lives to spirituality. By embracing spiritual practices and transcending ego-driven actions, one can break free from the cycle of karma and attain spiritual liberation.

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