We all have understood pilgrimage to be a physical place. But have you ever thought it would be beyond that? Ancient scriptures reveal six living pilgrimages that are beyond physical place. Here, we have six sacred entities that are considered to be as holy as physical places. It is also believed that they hold equal significance to holy places.


1) Devotees of the Lord

As mentioned in Srimad Bhagvata, Maharaj Yudhistir adore Bidur, to be living pilgrimage. Lord is omnipresent and is manifested in his pure devotees like Bidura. Holy places on earth are meant to for purification, similarly association of pure devotees purify our consciousness by his divine association. Just by there presence wherever it might be the place would be sacred itself. Even the worst place on earth can have different aura in presence of such pure devotees.

2) Guru: The Guiding Light

Padma Puraan states Guru as equivalent to sacred places. Scriptures consider Guru to be representative of God. Just as the sun and moon dispel darkness, the Guru dispels the ignorance of disciples. Guru is someone who connects us with the Supreme and guides us to the pathway to it. Guru has light of knowledge which he passes down with our qualifications to understand and implement it. Trusting Guru and following his footsteps makes one easier to move ahead the goal.

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3) Mother and Father

Padma Puraan also states mother and father to be living pilgrimage. They sacrifice everything they have for their children’s spiritual and material well -being. They selflessly serve their child for betterment and advancement. Therefore, scriptures suggests, neglecting parents would bring great misfortune to the children because people revere parents as living deities.

4) Husband: Sacred Ground

Padma Puraan also mentions husband to be living pilgrimage. A women gets highest spiritual ecstasy by serving husband alone. Serving husband means trying to see God in husband. In scriptures it is mentioned that God is omnipresent, he is present in all living and non living object. So, if a wife succeed to serve her husband seeing the presence of God in him will surely achieve the spiritual realm.

5) Wife: The Divine Presence

Padma Puraan declares a a house where virtuous wife’s live is equal to kingdom of divinity, A wife is husband’s true counselor, friend, advisor and care taker. In her presence, a husband finds the essence of sacred rivers, oceans, rituals, and saints. There are many examples in scriptures where a wife has protected her husband through her power of chastity. Scriptures and Stories of Puranas consider a wife’s chastity to be the most powerful shield for a husband, one that even gods fail to break.

Reading on these teachings, may the wisdom of scriptures floodlight your journey. I hope you take to one’s heart these sacred connections that are present around you. i hope these connections will make you experience different spiritual journey. Let the light of spiritual enlightenment guide your path, enhancing your life with endless blessings.

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