Kalki and Kaliyuga


This age of Kaliyuga began as soon as Lord Krishna left the material world. It is calculated about 5000 years ago from now. Shrimad Bhagavatam mentions Kaliyuga to last 432000 years. Kaliyuga is mentioned to be darkest and most inhumane age out of four yugas.

The basic reason Kaliyuga is mentioned to be dark is because of his material power over spirituality, disappearance of morality, virtue, rise of instant gratification tremendously, and immense human suffering. After the irreligion reaches it peak in Kaliyuga Lord Kalki is expected.

Lord Kalki is Lord Vishnu’s avatar who is Supreme Lord, spiritual master of all moving and nonmoving living beings. He is Supreme soul and takes birth in every age to protect the principles of religion and protect saintly devotees from irreligion.

Shrimad Bhagavatam promised the appearance of Lord Kalki a village called Sambhala. He will rule the universe and will ride horse named Devadatta, holding sword in his hands. It is said he will travel across the earth and exhibit his divine powers and qualities by destroying the wicked people pretending to be kings. He will come to defeat the evil forces.

After all the evil forces are eradicated from the earth, remaining people’s mins will be purified by the presence of Lord Kalki. The fragrance Lord Kalki carry will spread all over with breeze. As soon as lord appears in the heart of all people goodness will evoke. As a result they will repopulate the earth and Satya yuga will begin.

When the moon, the sun and Brihaspati are together in the constellation Karkaṭa, and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Puṣyā — at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Kṛta, will begin.– S.B. 12.2.24

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